DIRK: Anyway, carry on. You were asking about adult Dave?
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: so that covers how he died
DAVE: taking a futile stand against some unbeatable foe
DAVE: cant say im too surprised about that cause what else is even new
DAVE: what about his early life though
DAVE: guess i arrived around the same year my bro did in my universe?
DAVE: just came down on the same dead horse i rode in on
DAVE: into a world full of opportunities
DAVE: how did i get started
DIRK: His early life isn't well documented.
DIRK: There's hardly anything to read about him until he broke into show business with a few obscure projects at the turn of the century.
DIRK: It all snowballed from there.
DAVE: i guess the one thing we know for sure is i didnt find a kid in a crater and take him under my wing
DAVE: that was probably for the best
DIRK: Heh.
DAVE: actually maybe its better that most of his story is left to my imagination
DAVE: kinda like how you said you spent a lot of time thinkin about him
DAVE: filling in the gaps of his ridiculous exploits
DIRK: Right.
DIRK: There's certainly a lot of lore to work with.
DIRK: Urban legends and stuff.
DAVE: like what
DAVE: actually wait
DAVE: dont tell me
DAVE: at least not now maybe down the road it would be cool to hear some
DAVE: i think id prefer to fill in the blanks myself for a while
DAVE: really it sounds dope as hell to imagine that sort of blank canvas life
DAVE: dropped on earth as a kid in the 70s or 80s or whatever with no bossy adult to reel me in
DAVE: and just having to figure stuff out
DAVE: especially knowing that many years later it all worked out ok
DAVE: really wonder what i did
DAVE: was i like some homeless eighties ragamuffin???
DAVE: jesus christ that sounds fairly adorable if so
DAVE: maybe i slept in an alley on a bed of rubix cubes and alf merchandise
DAVE: or maybe i offered my old school rap services for food
DIRK: Like, through a shitty cardboard booth?
DIRK: You know, like the one from the fuckin' Charlie Brown comics.
DIRK: "This is what the refrance," FYI.
DAVE: yes exactly
DAVE: this sounds like exactly the life for me
DAVE: what if without a penny to my name and the wind at my back i hopped a boxcar to the big apple
DAVE: because as a dumb child i naively believed thats where they made all the apple juice
DAVE: id be sorely disappointed when i got there but it wouldnt matter because id probably scrape together a living on off off off broadway like...
DAVE: making shitty cartoons
DAVE: on stage
DAVE: and saying
DAVE: you guys
DAVE: this will be SO much funnier once the internet happens TRUST ME
DAVE: then the aristocratic patrons of fine theater just shrug and dump their shillings into my orphan hat
DIRK: It sounds to me like you've been reading up on the urban legends already.
DAVE: hahaha