TEREZI: SO UM TEREZI: WH4T 4BOUT OUR OTH3R D34D FR13NDS? VRISKA: Huh? TEREZI: YOU KNOW... N3P3T4, 3R1D4N... VRISKA: Oh right. Them. VRISKA: I was getting to that! TEREZI: OH OK TEREZI: 1 KNOW W3 T4LK3D 4 LOT OF STR4T3GY 1N 4DV4NC3, VR1SK4 TEREZI: BUT 1 R34LLY DON'T R3M3MB3R YOU M3NT1ON1NG 4 PL4N TO PROTOTYP3 OUR FR13NDS' CORPS3S TEREZI: M1GHT H4V3 B33N N1C3 TO G3T 4 H34DS UP! TEREZI: UM, NOT TO M4K3 4 B4D PUN, ON 4CCOUNT OF TH3 F4CT TH4T MOST OF TH31R H34DS W3R3 L1T3R4LLY S3V3R3D >:[ VRISKA: Yeah, sorry! VRISKA: I had a lot of logistics 8uzzing around in my 8rain. VRISKA: It's hard to keep you apprised of EVERYTHING that crosses my mind. VRISKA: I promise I'll 8e as thorough and transparent a8out my motives as I can from now on, ok Pyrope? TEREZI: OK >:] VRISKA: So after prototyping Tavros and Equius, that leaves four remaining dead friends, 8ut only two empty kernels. VRISKA: O8viously this presents quite a dilemma! VRISKA: Well, ok, technically three and a half friends, whatever the fuck that means. VRISKA: Nepeta, Feferi, Eridan, and Sollux's... dead 8ody? With his "half ghost" floating out there with Aradia. VRISKA: I know that caveat sounds stupid as hell, 8ut let's not get hung up on it. VRISKA: The fact is, we've got four corpses, 8ut only two slots remaining. VRISKA: And there's no way I'm going to lump their 8odies into the same sprite to make a pair of freaks resigned to an existential hell worse than death. VRISKA: Except in Arquiusprite's case, since those two nutjo8s mesh with each other's personalities so phenomenally. ARQUIUSPRITE: I must complimount the e%quisite judgment you've shown in this matter ARQUIUSPRITE: But if I may suggest, neigh, perhaps, command? ARQUIUSPRITE: You should prototype the two royal bloods and be done with it ARQUIUSPRITE: They deserve it VRISKA: No!!!!!!!! VRISKA: Arquius, your reserv8tion is noted, 8ut the hemospectrum is 8ullshit. VRISKA: It's not going to factor into this decision! ARQUIUSPRITE: I STRONGLY disagree, but also, sort of don't care ARQUIUSPRITE: As you were VRISKA: So considering there are four left, and I can't personally say that any is more deserving of life than the others, I intend to let them all rest in peace. VRISKA: That is my ruling, and I'm inclined to call it final. VRISKA: They can live out the rest of their afterlives in the dream 8u88les, which still need to 8e saved from Lord English, lest we forget. VRISKA: 8ut of greater importance HERE is the fact that this leaves two empty kernels as a resurrection 8ackup, in case one or two of you jokers dies in the line of duty once too often. VRISKA: 8elieve me, you'll thank me later for thinking this all through so well in advance. TEREZI: OK, TH4T'S 4 GOOD R34SON TO H4V3 SP4R3 K3RN3LS, BUT... TEREZI: M4YB3 W3 SHOULD B4CK UP 4 B1T! TEREZI: 1'M NOT SUR3 YOUR V3RD1CT ON OUR D34D FR13NDS 1S TOT4LLY 41R T1GHT, OR TH4T YOU H4V3 TH3 4UTHOR1TY TO M4K3 4 F1N4L RUL1NG! VRISKA: Come on, Terezi. I'm not saying I'm an "authority" on mortality here, I only said my ruling was final 8ecause my logic was so impecca8le! VRISKA: It was kind of like, a figure of speech?? TEREZI: Y34H R1GHT TEREZI: L3T'S TH1NK 1T THROUGH 4 L1TTL3 MOR3 TEREZI: SOLLUX'S H4LF GHOST 1S P3RF3CTLY H4PPY OUT TH3R3 W1TH 4R4D14 TEREZI: W3'V3 S33N H1M 4ND CONF1RM3D 1T OURS3LV3S, SO TH3R3'S NO R34SON TO CONS1D3R H1M TEREZI: 4ND 3R1D4N??? TEREZI: H3 MURD3R3D F3F3R1, 4ND TR13D TO K1LL K4N4Y4 4ND SOLLUX! TEREZI: H3 DO3SN'T 3V3N D3S3RV3 TO B3 1N TH3 RUNN1NG TEREZI: BUT N3P3T4 4ND F3F3R1? WH4T D1D TH3Y 3V3R DO TO 4NYBODY? VRISKA: Yes, this is my point exactly!!!!!!!! VRISKA: I don't want to 8e the ar8iter of Eridan's value as a person 8ecause of the mistakes he's made! VRISKA: Or Feferi's or Nepeta's or Sollux's or ANY8ODY'S! VRISKA: The only reason I chose these two over others is on account of taking responsi8ility for some nasty shit I PERSONALLY did, plus also some tactical consider8tions for the gr8ter good, 8ut that's different. VRISKA: I would think you of all people would 8e on the same page as me when it comes to taking responsi8ility for your own actions, while in the same stride, not judging other people for their misdeeds too harshly. VRISKA: 8ut if you feel comforta8le continuing to crown yourself as the Queen of Justice, then 8e my guest! TEREZI: OH G1V3 M3 4 BR34K TEREZI: 1 TH1NK W3 BOTH KNOW TH3 JUST1C3 1SSU3S H3R3 4R3 PR3TTY CUT 4ND DR13D TEREZI: SOLLUX *W4NTS* TO B3 WH3R3 H3 1S TEREZI: 3R1D4N 1S 4 MURD3ROUS DOUCH3 TEREZI: TH3 G1RLS 4R3 1NNOC3NT TEREZI: 1 S4Y W3 BR1NG TH3M B4CK! VRISKA: Terezi, please. Let's not 8icker in front of the party. VRISKA: We need to 8e showing solidarity here! TEREZI: W3 DO? VRISKA: Yes. We are equally important to the party as its overarching executives. The ones with the most experience in the department of guile and ruthlessness. VRISKA: I may project my voice louder than you, and 8orrow the spotlight for a little longer, 8ut you were always the soul of Team Scourge! VRISKA: I couldn't 8e doing this without you. I wouldn't even want to! TEREZI: 4W TEREZI: Y34H, OK TEREZI: YOU'R3 R1GHT... 1'M B3H1ND YOU 4LL TH3 W4Y! VRISKA: ::::) VRISKA: I st8ted my case, 8ut if you REALLY want to revive them, that's fine with me. VRISKA: I've got the torso parts with me right here, so feel free to round them up and prototype them any time. TEREZI: YOU DO? TEREZI: ...WH3R3? VRISKA: In the hunger trunk! VRISKA: I've stashed all the spare remains there to keep them fresh, along with our, ahem. Final living party mem8er. TEREZI: HUH?
Hey check it out. Every week we'll be revealing some new troll characters from Hiveswap until Act 2 is out. Follow the Troll Call here, and meet the first two here. Expect a few more surprises like this to drop in coming weeks.