You mother fucker. HE LOOKED AT ME FUNNY. Yeah. Want to know why? BECAUSE HE'S A FUCKING CLOWN. DO NOT TYPE IN BIG LETTERS. IT CONFUSES ME. Why do you have to be like this? Why can't you just be down with the clown? I DON'T KNOW. I LIKE SHOOTING HIM. HE JUST HAS THIS. PERFECTLY SHOOTABLE TORSO. HEY. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS HORRENDOUS MUSIC. What. You don't like it? IT IS WITHOUT A DOUBT. CAUSING ME MORE PAIN. THAN WHATEVER THIS UNKILLABLE CLOWN IS FEELING RIGHT NOW. Well, whenever you shoot the clown, I play the elevator music. OH FUCK. NO! That's the deal. Either shoot the clown and face the music, or put on your fucking big boy suspenders and stop trying to murder him. ALRIGHT. WHATEVER. I FIND YOUR STIPULATION TO BE TYRANNICAL. BUT FINE. Just plug the thing in the goddamn box already.
Hey check it out. Every week we'll be revealing some new troll characters from Hiveswap until Act 2 is out. Follow the Troll Call here, and meet the first two here. Expect a few more surprises like this to drop in coming weeks.