ERISOLSPRITE: 2o uh... ERISOLSPRITE: hey there unholy combiinatiion of nepeta and feferii. ERISOLSPRITE: howwvve you been? ERISOLSPRITE: wwoww that wwa2 a dumb que2tiion iim 2orry. ERISOLSPRITE: thii2 ii2 pretty awwkwward ii2nt iit. FEFETASPRITE: 3833 < 38\ ERISOLSPRITE: wwhat wwa2 that? ERISOLSPRITE: FUCK ii cant hear a goddamn thiing wwiith the2e FLIIPPIIN IIDIIOT2 doiin theiir candy giiggle rampage. ERISOLSPRITE: can barely evven hear my owwn wword2 ovver thii2 2hriill diin of hiideou2 piink. ERISOLSPRITE: dont a2k me wwhy ii thiink iit 2ound2 piink iit JU2T DOE2 ok? FEFETASPRITE: 38?? < 38? ERISOLSPRITE: anywway ii gue22 iivve been wwantiing twwo 2ay. ERISOLSPRITE: part of me ii2 2orry for kiilliing part of you. ERISOLSPRITE: ii mean that not a2 the part a me that u2ed twwo be your mate2priit cau2e OBVVIIOU2LY that part wwa2nt re2pon2iible for that 2curriilou2 2hiit. ERISOLSPRITE: but the part of me that u2ed twwo be moraiil2 wwiith part a you. ERISOLSPRITE: and wwhereiin nepeta ii2 ju2t kiind of a wweiirdly unrelated by2tander iin thii2 wwhole me22? ERISOLSPRITE: 2o ii gue22 the wwhole me ii2 2orry twwo nepeta for havviin twwo put up wwiith thii2 2hiitty lovve triiangle fallout. ERISOLSPRITE: AUGH thii2 ii2 ab2olutely the 2HIITTIIE2T apology 2iituatiion ii can evven FUCKIING fathom. ERISOLSPRITE: cant evven get 2ome legiitiimate feeliin2 of remor2e off my che2t cau2e the che2t ha2 contradiictory feeliin2 a twwo people and the reciipiient ii2 the amalgamatiion of the wwronged party and 2omebody wwho could not giivve a bloody 2hiittiing FUCK about any a thii2. ERISOLSPRITE: nevver miind thii2 reconciiliiatiion ha2 been an ab2olute dii2a2ter. ERISOLSPRITE: can wwe at lea2t come twwo term2 on a 2ound poliicy of 'fuck gamzee'? ERISOLSPRITE: cau2e all iim 2ayiin ii2 ba2iically. ERISOLSPRITE: ju2t. ERISOLSPRITE: fuck that guy. FEFETASPRITE: 38)) < 38)
Hey check it out. Every week we'll be revealing some new troll characters from Hiveswap until Act 2 is out. Follow the Troll Call here, and meet the first two here. Expect a few more surprises like this to drop in coming weeks.