TEREZI: YOUR3 M1SS1NG 4 LOT OF F4SC1N4T1NG STUFF 4BOUT OUR 4NC3STORS! DAVE: ok DAVE: can you maybe like DAVE: give us the gist of it TEREZI: 3R TEREZI: 1 DONT KNOW 1F 1... ARANEA: May8e I should just start over from the 8eginning. MEENAH: glubber fuck MEENAH: somemoby kill me MEENAH: again MEENAH: make me double die MEENAH: can that happen can you kill a ghost ARANEA: Meenah, please! ARANEA: Our nice new friends have missed some very IMPORTANT DETAILS! MEENAH: cod almighty MEENAH: dont you sea MEENAH: these chumps are too polite to say they dont give a flip MEENAH: specially that poor buoy you lured on to your boat MEENAH: lookit him MEENAH: too polite and afraid to say anyfin at all DIRK: I'm not. JAKE: (Sh!!) ARANEA: Very well. ARANEA: If you speak for everyone with respect to what is most interesting to talk a8out, then what is your porpoisal? ARANEA: I mean proposal! MEENAH: 38D!!!!! ARANEA: (Stupid infectious fish puns.) ARANEA: (Took all of five minutes to pull me into your insmanatee again.) ARANEA: (Insanity! Ugh.) MEENAH: (eelmao!) TEREZI: W3LL TEREZI: W3 COULD JUST NOT WORRY 4BOUT 1T 4ND K33P T4LK1NG L1K3 W3 W3R3 TEREZI: 1 W4S CUR1OUS TO H34R TH3 4NSW3R TO MY L4ST QU3ST1ON ARANEA: Oh, sure! ARANEA: You wanted to know how we all died. ARANEA: That's a pretty interesting story, don't you think, Meenah? :::;) MEENAH: whatebber ARANEA: However, I don't think much of it will make sense without some major contextualization. ARANEA: There's really quite an amazing amount of nuance to the full sequence of events. Many different players, personalities, conflicting agendas, all interwoven together. ARANEA: I'll need a little time to set the stage for everything to 8e comprehensi8le, if you all don't mind indulging me for a while. ARANEA: You could say it all started during our darkest hour, when it 8ecame clear our failure was inevita8le. I took it upon myself to venture into the palace of my denizUMPH.
Hey check it out. Every week we'll be revealing some new troll characters from Hiveswap until Act 2 is out. Follow the Troll Call here, and meet the first two here. Expect a few more surprises like this to drop in coming weeks.