[A6A6I5] ====>

ROXY: (yoo troll grouch... john is so nice agh its fuckin me up)
JANE: Excuse me, Callie?
JANE: What happened after I woke up?
JANE: We were all following that mysterious path...
JANE: Did you and Jade discover where that led?
CALLIOPE: i met my other self.
ROXY: o so you found her then??
CALLIOPE: indeed.
CALLIOPE: or more likely, the timing in the fUrthest ring was right.
CALLIOPE: perhaps she sensed me in some way, and Untangled a path throUgh the darkness.
CALLIOPE: in other words, it feels more as thoUgh i was sUmmoned, rather than being the one to find her.
CALLIOPE: she seems tremendoUsly powerfUl.
CALLIOPE: she is also...
CALLIOPE: qUite frightening.
ROXY: frightening????
CALLIOPE: not that i think she is dangeroUs or has ill intent.
CALLIOPE: my impression was very mUch to the contrary.
CALLIOPE: still, while speaking to her...
CALLIOPE: i can't remember ever feeling so nervoUs.
CALLIOPE: not even my brother made me feel that way.
CALLIOPE: her demeanor was so severe and chilling, and so Unlike mine, i think.
JOHN: maybe that's why you felt weird?
JOHN: seeing a version of you that wasn't like you at all?
CALLIOPE: maybe.
ROSE: So what happened?
CALLIOPE: not mUch.
CALLIOPE: my presence there essentially freed her from that place, according to a pact she made with echidna.
CALLIOPE: she and jade then left. to do what, i do not know.
CALLIOPE: that is when roxy foUnd me. ^u^
ROSE: So, you were only there to release her?
ROSE: Are you sure there isn't something important for you to do, now that you're alive and with us?
CALLIOPE: i doUbt it.
CALLIOPE: for one thing, i have virtUally no UsefUl abilities. u_u
ROSE: I don't mean to badger you. I'm just wondering how you fit into all this.
ROSE: Getting to wear a one-of-a-kind ring, and returning to join a group about to wage a pivotal battle,
ROSE: That strikes me as the profile of someone meant to do something important.
ROSE: What do you think you'll do?
JOHN: maybe it doesn't have to work that way though?
JOHN: what if those are just some facts about her, which let her come back to life, but they don't have to mean anything other than that.
JOHN: like anything about having to do some huge fancy thing.
ROSE: I guess so.
ROSE: First Dave tells me human beings don't have "arcs", and now you're telling me the culmination of an epic doesn't require a messianic archetype to return from the dead, thereby providing the key to everyone's salvation?
ROSE: I wonder what sturdy and time-tested narrative construct Jade is going to debunk whenever she wakes up. Maybe she will lay waste to the notion of endgame ships?
ROSE: Karkat won't be happy about that.
JOHN: huh??
JOHN: ok, i don't know what stuff you're going on about there, but i just don't think she should feel like she has to do anything she doesn't want to.
CALLIOPE: i think the trUth is, i won't be doing mUch of anything.
CALLIOPE: my other self told me as mUch.
CALLIOPE: her advice was to jUst live, and...
CALLIOPE: exist as the version of Us for whom that is an actUal possibility.
CALLIOPE: she's the one who will be doing important things.
ROSE: How so?
CALLIOPE: she didn't say.
ROSE: Isn't that just how it always is with alt-selves.
ROSE: So cryptic.
ROXY: hey guys its been cool having yall meet callie and such but
ROXY: do you think she and i could have a moment alone?
ROXY: got some stuff i wanna talk about!

> [A6A6I5] ====>

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Posted on 27 November 2017 by Andrew

Posted on 11 November 2017 by Andrew

Hey check it out. Every week we'll be revealing some new troll characters from Hiveswap until Act 2 is out. Follow the Troll Call here, and meet the first two here. Expect a few more surprises like this to drop in coming weeks.

Posted on 14 September 2017 by Andrew

Hiveswap has been released. You should go play it!