[A6A6I5] ====>

JOHN: hey!
JOHN: mr. jake harley i presume?
JAKE: No...?
JAKE: Its english actually.
JAKE: Twas my grandmas surname.
JOHN: oh. my mistake!
JOHN: so then, is it just a coincidence that she had the same name as an invincible super villain?
JOHN: are coincidences even real??
JAKE: I dunno.
JAKE: The history is a little murky to me.
JAKE: I heard she took the name from a nasty fellow to spite a wicked baroness.
JOHN: ok.
JOHN: good to know!
JOHN: it's been interesting to learn how even though we are all pretty similar, we all had a lot of really different life details.
JAKE: I guess so.
JOHN: like, there are all these things i take for granted about jade's childhood, which in theory is similar to yours.
JOHN: but not really... she had a super powerful dog you didn't have. and also a grandpa you couldn't have had, because... that was grown up you!
JOHN: i'd be really curious to hear about all the differences in your life some time, if you don't mind.
JAKE: Sure.
JOHN: hell, i'd be REALLY curious to hear about the differences in my alt-life, so to speak.
JOHN: but jane is asleep!
JOHN: i'm guessing she grew up in a similar situation i did, but with... a bunch of differences???
JOHN: guess i'll just have to wait!
JAKE: Well...
JAKE: She was a good friend.
JAKE: I know lots of stuff about her life.
JAKE: What do you want to know?
JOHN: oh! hmm.
JOHN: let's see.
JOHN: so i was her grandpa, instead of her being my nanna?
JOHN: i'm not sure if that statement made sense, but you know what i mean.
JAKE: Yeah she had a poppop.
JAKE: He was a really funny and beloved old time comedian so i guess that is the guy you grew up to be.
JOHN: cool!
JOHN: i never knew my nanna growing up, except as an urn of ashes above the fireplace.
JOHN: i only met her as a sprite.
JOHN: was i dead? or... was he?
JAKE: Yep but he wasnt ashes they had a different way of preserving him which i think was arguably more dignified.
JOHN: how?
JAKE: Have you seen weekend at bernies?
JOHN: no.
JOHN: i've heard of it though!
JAKE: Oh man you HAVE to see it!
JAKE: Its about a couple of knuckleheads who parade around with a funny corpse trying to pass him off as a living friend and good time charlie over a series of escapades.
JOHN: sounds incredible.
JAKE: I still have it if you want to see it some time.
JOHN: definitely!
JOHN: so you like movies?
JAKE: DO i?????
JOHN: haha, i love movies too.
JOHN: there are a whole bunch i'd want to show you, assuming you haven't seen them already.
JOHN: i love talking about them with people! i think my friends usually just humored me about the movies i liked, but i have a feeling you'd really dig them!
JAKE: Oh i GUARANTEE you i would.
JOHN: awesome, i can't wait to show you some.
JOHN: so... that means jane had an old man corpse version of me around somewhere? like in her house?
JAKE: Yes.
JOHN: ok, that sounds pretty preposterous to me...
JOHN: but i guess she must have grown up thinking it was normal.
JAKE: Not... really. She was always pretty put off by it to be honest.
JOHN: heheh. poor jane.
JOHN: i'll have to apologize to her for freaking her out from beyond the grave.
JOHN: what was her life like otherwise?
JAKE: Pretty typical id say.
JAKE: She always characterized it as boring.
JAKE: But i never agreed really she got to live on the main land with access to all kinds of things i didnt have.
JAKE: Plus she lived with a cool and manly father who cared about her a lot and seemed like a standup gent.
JOHN: oh, she lived with her dad too?
JOHN: do you know anything about him?
JAKE: Not much other than what i just said and a few things she told me.
JAKE: I think he was stern and fatherly and dressed well if memory serves he was a private detective at one point.
JOHN: a private detective???
JOHN: wow.
JOHN: it sounds like he must have been a completely different kind of dad from the one i had.
JOHN: all these differences are so interesting... some are subtle, but some are drastic, like this one apparently is.
JOHN: it would be neat to meet him.
JOHN: i mean, not that it would be much of a substitute for getting to see my dad again, since they're totally different people, but...
JOHN: you know what i mean.
JOHN: do you know what happened to him?
JAKE: Im not sure i kinda lost track of him for a while...
JAKE: I think he might be in jail?
JOHN: jail??
JAKE: Yeah on derse.
JAKE: I THINK. I could be wrong though.
JOHN: i'll make a mental note to check on him some time soon.
JOHN: i bet jane would want to too, when she wakes up. i'll ask her about it.
JAKE: Good idea!

> [A6A6I5] ====>

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04/02/16 - "[A6A6I5] ====>"


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Posted on 27 November 2017 by Andrew

Posted on 11 November 2017 by Andrew

Hey check it out. Every week we'll be revealing some new troll characters from Hiveswap until Act 2 is out. Follow the Troll Call here, and meet the first two here. Expect a few more surprises like this to drop in coming weeks.

Posted on 14 September 2017 by Andrew

Hiveswap has been released. You should go play it!