JADESPRITE: why are you doing this to me, why are you making me remember
JADE: :(
JADESPRITE: it was so beautiful and it was all destroyed before i even knew what was going on....
JADESPRITE: and so many nice people were killed
JADE: i know jade i was there too...
JADE: these are both our memories!
JADESPRITE: and the queen, did she survive?
JADESPRITE: and her ring, i was protecting her ring, oh noooo what happened to it???
JADE: jade, pleeease...
JADESPRITE: i was just waiting for john to wake up, i was so sure it was going to be soon
JADESPRITE: and i was going to show him around prospit
JADESPRITE: i had so many things planned and so many friends to introduce him to...
JADESPRITE: he was my best friend and i was looking forward to meeting him for so long
JADESPRITE: but then it all burned down and everyone died and the moon fell and..........
JADE: stop...
JADE: you are going to make me cry too, stop it!!!
JADE: *sob*
JADESPRITE: woooof...
JADE: PFFheheh... *sob* hehehehehehe