JOHN: i take it you were pretty good friends back on your planet? VRISKA: You could say that. VRISKA: There's a pretty loaded history 8etween us. It's pro8a8ly 8est not to get into it. VRISKA: None of that matters anymore anyway, it was so long ago. You know how it is. JOHN: um. sure? VRISKA: Issues 8etween people seem like such a 8ig deal when they're happening. 8ut then you die, and time just goes on, and on........ then on some more. VRISKA: If enough time passes, shit that used to 8e a 8ig deal kind of stops mattering. VRISKA: Ok, full disclosure. I used to do a lot of terri8le things to Tavros. VRISKA: Once I launched him off a cliff and paralyzed him. And if that wasn't 8ad enough, I spent sweeps mocking him for the disa8ility I caused! Haha. VRISKA: Oh yeah. Then I killed him. JOHN: oh, right. i remember you said you killed someone that you cared about. i guess this is him? VRISKA: Mm hm. VRISKA: 8ut like I said, that's suuuuuuuuch old news now, it might as well not have even happened. VRISKA: Tavros doesn't give a shit a8out that stuff anymore. TAVROS: hEY, wAIT, mAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T, SPEAK FOR ME? TAVROS: i STILL KIND OF THINK THAT STUFF WAS ALL PRETTY MEAN, eVEN THOUGH IT WAS FOREVER AGO, TAVROS: iT'S JUST, i HAVE CHOSEN TO BE THE BIGGER MAN, aND NOT HOLD IT AGAINST LIKING YOU, VRISKA: Hahahaha! John, can you 8elieve this guy? VRISKA: This is the kind of shit I have to deal with all the time. TAVROS: oH GOD, TAVROS: nO, tIME OUT, i'M FLAGGING THIS, vRISKA, aS TERRIBLE BEHAVIOR, VRISKA: Tavros, the 8igger man is only ACTUALLY the 8igger man if he doesn't refer to himself as the 8igger man. That's kind of the point? VRISKA: Unless the intent is to produce some form of socially awkward comic relief, which let's face it, is what you're all a8out. VRISKA: 8ut that's what I like a8out you. TAVROS: yES, }:) JOHN: hmm, i feel like... maybe we got sidetracked there? JOHN: maybe you should tell me more about this english guy. JOHN: frankly, it seems like i'm usually one of the last people to learn about stuff like this, and it's starting to make me feel like a bit of a tool.
Hey check it out. Every week we'll be revealing some new troll characters from Hiveswap until Act 2 is out. Follow the Troll Call here, and meet the first two here. Expect a few more surprises like this to drop in coming weeks.